Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Things are quickly coming to an end here in Guyana for us. It seems strange that 14 months has passed already and soon we will be headed back to Anniston. There are many things that need to be done like trying to decide what to bring back with us and what to give away and what to store in case we return in the future. Knowing the Lord's will in advance is not ours to know, so we trust to Him to give us wisdom for all these matters.
It would be great if we could just flit back and forth whenever we wanted to, but the cost involved is prohibitive. People here want us to come back and be here for this and that and our children can't wait until we are home so things can "get back to normal"--whatever that is in their minds. Things will be different when we return and they will be different as well as we will be different. Our coming home doesn't automatically fix their lives, so we pray that the Lord will work in each of our hearts and minds to make us what He wants us to be. That includes being content in our circumstances even when things are difficult.
We look forward to seeing everyone and having fellowship with them. But we have made many friendships here and will miss many of these people. They have become a part of us, even as everyone at home is a part of us. We rejoice in the privilege this 15 months has been to us. How great our God is and greatly to be praised!
April Newsletter
5440 HIGWAY 202
April, 2009
Greetings from Guyana!
This will probably be the last time I am writing to you from Guyana as we will be leaving Corriverton on April 29 to begin our journey home. We will meet with the Katryans in Miami, Lord willing, and spend a couple days in Stewart, Florida, with Kathy's sister, Sandy, and her husband, Harvey, and then head for Anniston.
The fifteen months we have been here have flown by. We came to replace the Katryans as they spent the year in the States visiting supporting Churches and taking care of some personal business. It has been a unique experience. The Lord has taught us as we have taught others. This is a multi-faceted ministry with 2 Churches, Corriverton Baptist and Roadside Baptist; 3 mission works and a Skills Training Centre.
The Churches are as all churches are, each it's own particular ministry. The mother Church at Corriverton has suffered much from immigration overseas and defections. This is the Church where I have pastored. The Church has been up and down but, by in large, those who attend most regularly have grown in the Lord. The Lord has used the 2 young ladies from Rhinelander, Wisconsin, and the Northwoods Baptist Church, Ellen White and Katie Mathews, to provide evangelistic opportunities with the children and teenagers. Much seed has been sown and we wait for the fruit.
The Roadside Baptist Church although under my supervision, has been pastored by Brother Terry Rohit. He is one of my students and has exceeded my expectations. He seeks to exalt Christ in his messages, to edify the saints and expose the lost to the Gospel. They also suffer from the exodus to the States and Canada, but have held their own. This Church has been home to the four men that have regularly attended the Pastors' Training sessions. Normally, I only preach once or twice a month in this Church.
The #57 Mission is the largest of the missions and this is where the new Church building has been built with funds from the supporting Churches in the US and some from Guyana. Brother Motilall Harlall will be the pastor as he presently leads this mission work. I have preached almost once a week here. Brother Moti is also one of my students. Those attending this mission are most eager to hear God's Word. The young people here have always seemed interested in not just hearing but trying to put into practice what they hear. When Ellen and Katie joined us, that interest grew.
The Mission at #77 has been somewhat of a disappointment. The road leading back to this work is difficult especially in rainy season and our host family has had many personal and physical difficulties that eventually led to the decision to suspend services for the time being.
The Mission at #69 has been more of a home Bible study to strengthen the Roadside Baptist Church. We usually have 10-15 folks here and have recently seen some students from the Centre start to attend. This mission is led by Brother Troy Dhalu, another of my students.
The Roadside Baptist Church Skills Training Centre is what is called here--an N.G.O. or Non-Governmental Organization. While the Katryans were away, I was the Managing Director of the Centre. We recently graduated 147 students in a number of programs, some funded by donor organizations including the US government. We were able along with morning devotions, to bring regular Bible lessons to many of the students. The training is in life skills. We graduated in electrical installation, garment making, computer skills, cooking, and cake decorating. Also, there are remedial programs and exam preparation programs as well as a number of computer upgrade classes. The Lord has given us many opportunities to present Christ to these students.
Also during the year, we had a monthly meeting for Senior Citizens that involved 18-25 people where we shared a gospel message, flannelgraph Bible story, or a Moody Science video. They were also fed and received a small package of household items, food items or personal products. These folks have been very appreciative.
One of the highlights of the year was our 4-day Evangelistic meetings at 3 different locations. Those who participated did so seeking God's glory and the salvation of souls. These meetings were well attended with high interest. We have heard of some professions of faith and believe we see increased interest in others. The #57 group is desirous of two more days before we leave.
I can't put on paper what a blessed opportunity this has been to exalt Christ and seek God's Glory. In His sovereign mercy He has made Himself known and we trust eternity will manifest the results. It is ours to sow the seed and His to reap the fruit. To Him belongs all the glory.
The Katryans will return in early May and take back over this work in which they have been involved for 38 years. What the Lord has for Kathy and I we are still trying to determine. Continue to pray with us for our future.
Thank you for your investment in us by way of prayer and financial support. I hope it will please God to richly reward you for what you have done.
In Christ, John Hunter
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