Saturday, January 10, 2009

May Newsletter 2008

5440 HIGHWAY 202
May 2008

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

“Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.” Mark 13:33 Please forgive me for not letting you know more of the ministry here. We stay so busy that we have little time to do all we ought to. But I cannot complain because I asked God for this and He was pleased to give it. Kathy, too, stays busy.

This past week we had a consultant for the US Government teaching all NGO's (Non-Government [non-profit] Organizations) how to best govern their organizations to accomplish their goals and be transparent in their operations. We were grateful the woman who did the consulting work was a Christian who truly knew the role of faith-based ministries. Roadside Baptist Church Skills Training Centre seems to have a good reputation with all the agencies that are at work here in Guyana for which we are grateful.

The Roadside Baptist Church went ahead with a project to build a house for a poor family in the Church from the #57 Mission. The family was living in one room below their in-law's house. The room had a dirt floor and rainy season is coming on. Because the need was so pressing much of the necessary funds came from my bank account, but there are some funds coming to replace them.

Both mission works are doing well. We have had up to 35 or so people at the #57 Mission. Those attending listen attentively as the Gospel is preached. We will not try to access the spiritual impact until we see how the fruit develops. The #69 Mission is a smaller group. Both these works have a lot of children attending. We have also been invited to restart the #77 Mission and hope to restore some Church members.

Brother Terry has taken on most of the pastoral responsibilities at the Roadside Baptist Church. He is doing well but needs our prayers as this is a new responsibility to him. He attends our Pastor's training School, works as an electrical teacher at the Centre and he and his wife have a one year old son.

Brother Moti has most of the responsibility at the #57 Mission. He preaches each Sunday evening at the Mission as well as once a month on Sunday morning at Roadside. This, of course, along with his full-time job of selling vegetables as he rides his bicycle around the villages.
Brother Troy is only 21 but he helps teach the youth at Roadside as well as leads the Mission at #69. In the daytime he works as a joiner (furniture maker).

I am now the Managing Director of the Skills Training Centre as well as Pastor at Corriverton Baptist. Kathy teaches a Sunday School class and a children's group on Saturday as well as helps in the office at RBCSTC. I continue to teach 5 classes a week but am helped by using Moody Science videos and the flannelgraph.

I have had a bit of a time keeping up with repairs on the two Church vehicles. The 1984 Datsun pickup (double cab) has a cap that allows us to accommodate extra people. This vehicle has had extensive repairs lately by a mechanic that has returned from Canada. He has really helped us to put the truck back in shape. The Lord is kind to allow us to keep it going. It is the major transportation for Church goers at Corriverton.

God is so good to us. His people seem to be growing and much Gospel seed is being sown that we hope will spring forth into everlasting life. Thank you for praying and please continue to do so. Pray for the Katryans as they are in the States. If any of the Churches have a chance to have him come, he can tell you all about the work here for over 35 years. His email address is:

In Christ, John Hunter

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