Saturday, January 10, 2009

April Newsletter 2008

John & Kathy Hunter;;
April, 2008

Dear Friends,
Praise the Lord for all His goodness and grace. The work here in Corriverton, Guyana, goes on well. The two Churches combined to have a farewell service for the Katryans. We wanted to glorify God and honor his servants and I believe both these goals were accomplished. All the men training for the pastorate had a part and did an excellent job. I spoke from 2 Timothy on Paul's directions to Timothy. There were over a hundred people crowded into the smaller of the two church buildings at Corriverton.

The Roadside Baptist Church Skills Training Centre has started back in full force after a 2 1/2 week holiday celebrating 3 different religion's holidays and having a spring break. My schedule has been somewhat cut back. I am only teaching 5 classes now but Kathy is busy all day doing clerical, accounting, and library work.

My name has been put on all the accounts for the Churches and missions as well as the Centre. No checks can be cashed without my signature. The Centre's next Board of Directors meeting is this Thursday at which time I expect to be made Chairman of the Board. I'll have enough titles then to qualify as a big wheel. A big wheel, of course, is one who is always going in circles. Pray that I will be able to meet everyone's expectations and please the Lord.

More than ever I am trying to exalt Christ is my preaching. For that reason on Sundays in
the morning I am in Romans; Sunday evening preaching on marriage; and Wednesday going through John. At the Missions, I have preached all over the Bible. At the Centre I have gone through most of the historical chapters of Daniel and now have started the life of Joseph in between showing the Moody Science DVD's.

Kathy is teaching a Sunday School class for the older children and this Tuesday is hosting a women's fellowship. At home she is helped by Anita, a young woman who lives behind our home in a tiny apartment with her 8 year old son, Daniel. Pray for these two as they have had a very difficult life because of a drug addicted husband and father.

We are to have our second prayer breakfast with representatives of the police department this Saturday. This is another outreach that needs to be prayed for. The police here are poorly paid and equipped. Many make up for these deficits by taking bribes. It is our hope that some of these men and women will come to Christ and turn the whole department around. Remember Guyana is a third world country and the taking of bribes is a normal activity.

Time to close although so much is untold, but the Lord knows it all, just pray fervently for us. Praise the Lord that we have been approved to stay in Guyana until September, at which time we will have to apply to extend to April, 2009. Thank you all for your prayers and gifts that sustain us and help so much in this ministry.
In Christ, John Hunter
Corriverton Baptist Church, Lot 99 Line Path D, PO Box 936,
Corriverton, Berbice, Guyana, South America
Phone: 592-339-3448

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