Saturday, January 31, 2009

February Newsletter

5440 Highway 202 99 Line Path D, PO Box 936
Anniston, Alabama 36201 Corriverton, Berbice, Guyana, S. America
Jon Cardwell, Jimmy Turner, Pastors 592-339-3448;
February, 2009
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your prayers and bless God for His answers.

The Church here in Corriverton has picked back up in attendance and people seem to be more interested and we have had more men in the services. This Church needs a real movement of God's Spirit. But there are signs of life and hope.

At the Center a number of young people have indicated a real interest in Christ. The girls' class I have on Thursday mornings is very attentive as we go through the life of Christ. My second boys' class of the day have been a real encouragement as they listen and indicate a readiness to follow Christ--pray that this is real and not just a temporary phenomenon.

The folks at Roadside Baptist Church at #68 Village are always attentive and seem to be growing. Brother Terry Rohit has been both a dutiful and caring Pastor to these people in Brother Katryan's absence. Brother Motil Harlall assists here as well as leading the #57 Mission. Brothers Troy and Hemdath also work in this Church. Brother Troy also leads a home Bible study at #69 but I do most of the preaching there. He also works with the youth at #68.

This work at #57 has been a blessing by and large but we have had our share of trouble here, too. Sister Faneeza has been in the hospital with female difficulties and now her husband Birbal has been bitten on the foot by an alligator. The damage has been less that you might expect but there is danger of infection.

The #57 Mission building is going fast forward ever since God led us to a good hardworking, honest carpenter with a good crew of men. This Saturday we will provide a meal for this crew because of all the help they have been to us. Pray for these men as most are Hindus. It is very unusual to find Hindus with a good work ethic like these men have. Although the carpenter's work is finished, we need to paint and do all the electrical work as well as fit out the building. All this must be done on the smallest of budgets since the bulk of the money sent from the States has about been exhausted. The Guyanese have little in the way of resources beyond regular expenses. If you can help, please do so by designating for this work and sending it to the Sovereign Grace Baptist Mission address above.

I am not a "soul counter" but I do believe we are seeing the movement of the Spirit in some lives. We are encouraged to say the least. Ellen and Katie have a gift for being able to talk to people. They engage the students at the Centre frequently in conversations about the Lord as well as appropriate behavior. They take the "bull by the horns" when they see young people that need some correction. The young people have taken a real liking to them and usually receive their instruction well and have asked for other sessions!

Ellen and Katie have been busy filling up their blogspot. They have lots of pictures. You can find them at: The computer crashed a while back and we were without it for a week. Needless to say, it was a difficult time until we got it to Georgetown and got it fixed complete with our files in tact. We were concerned about loosing all our pictures and data. The Lord was gracious.

In three months we will be headed home looking to the Lord for His further direction. Please pray with us that we will know the Lord's direction and Christ will be exalted in our lives.
In Christ, John Hunter


  1. Greetings from the frozen north. Last week our thermometer registered 31 degress F BELOW zero. Share that with your neighbors! And our snowfall has been about average with about three feet of snow in the woods.

    I'm happy to see you posting a blog. It does take work but is a great way to communicate. I've been trying to keep up with Ellen and Katie's blogsite which is encouraging, entertaining, and enlightening. I'm glad they are such a help.

    I share your newsletters with the church and encourage those with computers to link up with you.

    We continue to pray for the work you are doing and trust God to give you the strength and mind to continue in His Will. We will pray for your future. If you have the opportunity feel free to visit with us when you get back state-side.

    In Christ, John D.
    Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
    Ladysmith, WI

  2. Thanks for your support Brother John. We will make every effort to visit up your way--when the weather is a little nicer.
    It would be nice to share some of our warmth with you. Unfortunately, the Lord didn't work things out that way.
    Thanks for your comments. May the Lord bless the work going on in Ladysmith.
