Monday, January 19, 2009


To anyone reading this blog and interested in further information, I would be glad to hear from you at the Juno email address or you can send an email to We are presently experiencing difficulties with our computer and don't know when we will be able to put much information up or more pictures on like we would like to. We will have to take our computer to Georgetown to try to get the files off of it before it is reformatted. We would appreciate your prayers in this matter.

We continue to be very busy. John has cut his time down a bit at the Centre but has had to go almost daily to #57 Village to deal with suppliers and carpenters on the new church building. We praise the Lord for the way the work has gone forward as it nears completion. We hope to be using it soon. Our thanks to all who have prayed for this project as well as those who have contributed to it. The Lord has graciously supplied for this work.

Katie Mathews and Ellen White continue to be very busy as well. They came to Guyana to work and the Lord has opened doors for them to teach some at the Centre as well as teach music to individuals and literacy to some students needing help. They have helped out with young activities as well. They are constantly cooking for us and half of the people in the Churches and Missions. We had a Corriverton Baptist Church Prayer Breakfast on Saturday morning and they used their culinary arts to help make a delicious meal. I did the scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese, Katie and Cynthia (a teenager from #57 Village who spent the night) chopped and cooked onions and garlic and bell peppers for topping eggs plus chopped other vegetables. These toppings were available for hash browns which Ellen and Christina (Cynthia's older sister) made. The night before they had made cinnamon raisin bread. Though poorly attended because of lack of communication and availability of the people of the Church, those of us who indulged were well satisfied with the results. John had to leave as soon as he ate to take a young woman to the Doctor, so we had a time of devotion from Matthew 6 about prayer and then had a season of prayer. It was a blessing to all the ladies who came.

My activities have changed from bookkeeping to librarian. I was to work at the Corriverton Baptist Library when we came but my time was limited there with the amount of time I spent at the Roadside Baptist Church Skills Training Centre. I was working 3 days a week doing bookkeeping for them and I have been cut down to one day a week and spending the other 2 days trying to get the Library into shape. The numbers are falling off of the books and some you can't read at all. It looks like someone shuffled the books as they are not in numerical order. I began Thursday and have the promise of one of the ladies who is a Librarian at the City Library and a member of the Church who is going to help on several afternoons. We hope to get it organized and more useable.

The Lord continues to be gracious to us in giving us good health and safety on the "obstacle course" highway here in Guyana. We are happy to have the bridge open now so we can drive straight through to Georgetown and not have to wait for the Ferry. We praise the Lord for this new addition and hope it doesn't develope any problems. We haven't been able to use it yet but will have to go to Georgetown soon to have our Passport stamped so we can stay until April 30. Our present stamp runs out on January 28. (Also, to get the laptop fixed.)

Many of you are in our thoughts and prayers and trust the Lord is blessing in your lives. We hope to hear from some of you in the near future. We enjoy any news we can get from home.

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